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Business cards that speak to you.

The video scannable business card beats the traditional business card hands down. It is not limited by size and font size. It is modern, image driven and tells your story. It also generates a great deal of word-of-mouth advertising among both your peers and potential clients.

These cards cost the same as a traditional two-sided business card and can be custom designed By Jodelle or use stock layouts. We recommend using a design that complements your branding.  The front of the card contains a QR code that when scanned through your smart phone directs the potential customers to your video. There they meet you. They get to hear why they should choose you to market their next listing straight from their new realtor’s mouth. It’s also a hands-on demonstration of your modern approach to digital marketing. Real estate is a very image driven field, and you are always looking for ways to stand out. These business cards are clearly a conversation starter.

By Jodelle, Ltd. offers a “video business card package” that includes:

A helpful tool to get started:

10 Steps to Creating your scannable "Video Business Card"