circle web design


We can design and build your website.

A common phrase amongst realtor’s is “your image is your brand.”  Your brand is much more.  It is how you define yourself.  It is made up of consistent messaging, images, colors, and graphics to make clients think of you every time they see one of your ads or campaigns.  At By Jodelle, Ltd., we see your website as an essential tool to conveying your message.

Most realtors when they start out rely on marketing tools that are provided by their brokerage firm.  This will establish you as part of a team of qualified realtors, but it does little to set you apart.

Something top producing realtors have in common is they have defined their brand well, have unique logos and websites, use custom signage and business cards and have structured marketing programs that use their advertising dollars effectively.

At By Jodelle, we can help you develop your entire marketing strategy starting with your unique website.  We have an extensive background in graphic design, copywriting, logo design, vector illustrations, photography, and desktop publishing software.  We use WordPress to build your website and are familiar with popular real estate plug-ins to make your website functional for your unique industry.